Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on November 7 took a dig at Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, whose name got removed from Saradha Chit Fund corruption after being washed in ‘Modi Washing Powder’.
“As Ajit Pawar Joined The BJP, His Name Was Removed From The ED”: Chhattisgarh CM
Bhupesh Baghel was interacting with the media when he said that once people join BJP their name gets removed from corruption.
“As Ajit Pawar joined the BJP, his name was removed from the ED. Himanta Biswa Sarma is CM now, his name was in Saradha Chit Fund corruption. He has been campaigning in Chhattisgarh. There are many examples like this where, after being washed in ‘Modi Washing Powder’, all the stains are cleaned,” he said.
Responding to the ED’s claim that Bhupesh Baghel was paid Rs 508 crore by promoters of Mahadev App, Himanta Biswa Sarma said he wondered how someone could use Lord Mahadev’s name to “loot money”.