The Manipur cabinet has announced a sum of Rs 50 lakh as ex-gratia compensation to the family of Moreh Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) Chingtham Anand on October 31.
Chingtham Anand Shot Dead Allegedly By Kuki Militants
Chingtham Anand was shot dead allegedly by Kuki militants on the morning of October 31 in an ambush in Tengnoupal district.
The deceased was fatally shot by a sniper bullet in Moreh while he was overseeing the preparation of the grounds at Eastern Shine School for the construction of a helicopter.
After the attack, the victim was taken to a primary health center in Moreh, however he tragically succumbed to his injuries.
Additionally, the state cabinet has made the decision to extend a government employment opportunity to the bereaved family members of the policeman.