After the Supreme Court of India stayed the conviction of senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in the criminal defamation case against him over his ‘Modi surname’ remark, the Congress shared a picture on Twitter along with a message in Hindi which translates to “I am coming soon, the questions will continue…”
Supreme Court Paves Way For Revival Of Rahul Gandhi’s Membership Of House
The Supreme Court stayed the conviction of the Congress leader in the criminal defamation case over the “why all thieves have Modi surname” remark.
Gandhi’s disqualification as MP now remains in abeyance. The apex court remarked that the trial judge has awarded the maximum sentence of two years in the case and that it would have attracted disqualification if the sentence was a day lesser.
The Supreme Court stayed Gandhi’s conviction on the grounds that the trial judge in Gujarat failed to explain why he deserved the maximum punishment in the case related to his remark on the Modi surname.
It stated the continuation of Gandhi’s disqualification would deprive the people of his constituency of a proper representation in the Parliament.