Hindi film actress and Lok Sabha member Hema Malini apologised on Twitter on April 14 regarding a previous tweet which had triggered an outrage among the Assamese people on online platforms.
Hema Malini Apologises
It is mentioned the actress called the most important festival of Assam, Bihu, to be the festival of Bihar.
”It is the Harvest season now. Tamizh Puthandu (New year), Baisakhi (Punjab), Bihu (Bihar) and Pohela Baisakh or Naba Barsha (Bengal) are some of the festivals celebrated. Wish you all a wonderful festival month,” Hema Malini wrote on the microblogging site on April 14.
On the morning of Friday, Hema Malini gave another tweet apologising, ”By mistake, I have put Bihu is a festival celebrated in Bihar. I am sorry! That should read Bihu, festival of Assam.”
Meanwhile, Assam set the world record for the largest Bihu dance group performing at a venue on the same day.