Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde arrived in Ayodhya on April 9. The Chief Minister hit out at Uddhav Thackeray and said that he went against his father’s dreams for power but we rectified the mistake.
Eknath Shinde Hits Out At Uddhav Thackeray
The Chief Minister further said that the issue of Ram Temple in Ayodhya is not just a matter of politics but also of faith for the Shiv Sena party.
Eknath Shinde said, ”Some people are not happy with our Ayodhya Yatra. Some people are allergic to Hinudtva and have been spreading misunderstandings against Hindutva. In 2014, a government with Hindutva ideology came into the country under the leadership of PM Modi.”
“Balasaheb had given the slogan of ‘Garve se kaho Hindu ho’ (proudly say you are a Hindu). So, the ideology of Shiv Sena and BJP have the same. Uddhav Thackeray went against Balasaheb’s dreams just for the greed of power. On one hand, Lord Ram took vanvaas (isolation) just to fulfil his father’s promise,” he continued.