Assam Youth Dies In Bengaluru After Being Hit By Speeding Car

A 19-year-old youth from Karimganj district dies in Bengaluru after being hit by a speeding car.

Assam Youth Dies In Bengaluru

It is noted Ripon Rabidas migrated from his native place Chargola to Bengaluru in search of a job. The youth was hit by a speeding car (KA-19 ML-9753) on March 7 while he was returning from work.

He was taken to a hospital by his brother, Ratan. Later, Police arrived at the scene.

Unfortunately, Ripon was declared dead by hospital authorities around 2 pm on March 12.

It is mentioned Ripon and his brother had been working in Bengaluru for several months. The youth’s tragic death has shattered the family.

Assam Youth DiesYouth Dies In Bengaluru
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