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European Union Warns Twitter Over Disinformation, Encouraging Kremlin Agenda

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The European Union (EU) has warned Elon Musk-run Twitter over spreading disinformation and favouring the Kremlin agenda.

In this regard, Vera Jourova, Vice-President for Values and Transparency at the EU, said in a tweet, ”This is yet another negative sign from Twitter on not making digital information space any safer and free from the Kremlin disinformation and malicious influence.”

Elon Musk

European Union Warns Twitter

Under the new Digital Services Act (DSA), this microblogging platform has been confirmed as one of 19 major tech platforms subject to a centralised oversight by the EU.

Jourova said, ”To me this is a signal that #Twitter is falling short of its commitments to the anti-disinformation Code.”

”This is a paramount test to show they are serious about respecting the Code and ultimately compliance with the #DigitalServicesAct,” Jourova said further.

It may be noted the EU DSA wants the online platforms to maintain independent auditing and share data with relevant authorities, along with adopting a code of conduct by August 2023.

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