voice of mass

Centre Issues Advisory To TV Channels To Be Sensitive Over Reporting On Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse

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The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting issued an advisory to television channels to be sensitive over reporting on the ongoing rescue operation underway at the Silkyara tunnel collapse site in Uttarkashi.

Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse

Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse

The ministry advised television channels to ensure that the human-life-saving activities by various agencies are in no way disrupted or disturbed by the very presence of cameramen, reporters, or equipment near or around the site.

According to the advisory, undertaking any live posts or videos from proximity to the tunnel site has been restricted.

“Various government agencies are working tirelessly for the safe evacuation of 41 workers. The operation underway around the tunnel is extremely sensitive involving saving so many lives. Telecast of video footage and other pictures relating to the operations by the TV channels especially by placing cameras and other equipment at close proximity to the rescue operations site has the potential to adversely affect the ongoing operations,” the ministry said.

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