The Guwahati Tea Auction Centre (GTAC) auctioned Assam tea worth Rs 3,300 crore during the fiscal year 2022-23. According to Guwahati Tea Auction Centre data, around 165 million kg of tea was sold at the tea auction centre in 2022-23, with an average price of Rs 191.26 per kg.
Orthodox Tea Auctioned At GTAC
Reportedly, Dinesh Bihani, Secretary of the Guwahati Tea Auction Buyer’s Association (GTABA) said, ”Around 165 million kg of tea worth around Rs 3,300 crore sold at the Guwahati Tea Auction Centre in 2022-23. The auction average price has increased upto Rs 8.10 per kg this time compared to the previous year.”
”In the past two-three years, exporters’ demands have increased towards the auction. We hope that more tea will be sold at the Guwahati Tea Auction Centre in this financial year,” Bihani added.
It is mentioned 204.94 million kg of tea were sold at the Guwahati Tea Auction Centre in 2019-20, with an average price of Rs 139.65 per kg.
Moreover, a special tea from Dibrugarh, Assam was sold for Rs. 1.15 lakh per kg at a private auction on December 16, 2022. Notably, the price was paid for Manohari Gold Tea which was the highest sum ever paid for tea at an auction.